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Inspiration and Education in the Arts and Culture
Sound Mandala Peace Garden Is a sanctuary unifying, inspiring, and educating local and global communities through music, meditation, science, healing, and spiritual arts

"sound is the thread between consciousness and form"
Through vibration, frequency, and energy: music and sound inspires and nurtures
the mind, body and soul.
Long before contemporary medicine, sound was a means of healing within, healing relationships with each other,
and communities~
while enhancing connection within our hearts, strengthening intuition, connecting with nature
fostering vibrant health, creativity and peace.
in these contemporary times of rapid change and uncertainty,
music, sound, and meditation serve as a means to transform the discomfort of the unknown to inner stability,
turning chaos into peace, fear into expansive loving states,
calming the emotions and the mind as wholistic healing takes play for individuals and communities at large.
The Sound Mandala Peace Garden provides offerings, programs, music, sanctuary, and teachings openly to the community designed to promote well being and healthy, compassionate community relations as we navigate through our evolution ~embracing the wisdom and ways of the ancients while implementing
the marriage of spiritual connection with contemporary science.
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