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Sound is the thread between consciousness and form …

Healing light through vibration, frequency, and energy: sound becomes medicine





This meditation technique is based on principles of ancient Naad (universal sound current accessing the many dimensions of vibration and frequency) Yoga,

Music, Teachings, Life,Healing Experiences and Research


Each meditation and session has very specific instrumentation designed to access the many dimensions of vibration and frequency to effectively create deep, cellular awareness  of energetic flowing  peace in the heart.  

Ancient teachings recognize the voice as a universal instrument and an  empowering instrument of transformation through ancient seed syllables, sound and focus. 


The marriage of voice and instrumentation create an experiential  journey of vibrational energy that positively effects many levels of the physical body, emotional, mental,  

energetic and spiritual states. 

Once you integrate this meditation sadhana,

the energy of your thoughts, feelings and actions are naturally transformed and corrected

Opening the higher heart consciousness to integrate into all aspects of your being 

Effortlessly you become more aware of who you are as the Divine Self of Love

We are designed through sound. Sound Mandala Meditations and  Sessions integrate the ancient technology of sound with newly discovered quantum healing methods through tones and stringed and crystal instrumentation

Before we hear a tone, subtle sound vibrates through every cell

Sound Mandala Meditation Sessions
are comprised of stringed instruments, crystal harp, tubular bells,  that are tuned to the sounds of the universe.
Accompanied with vocal polyphonic sound, and seed syllables

Divine connection and expansion
Opens and activates chakras, especially 3rd eye and heart
Physical, mental, emotional, balance
neutralizes depression or anxiety
Unifies Gut, Heart, Mind, Third eye and Soul into clarity
Deep Peace and Meditation
Heightening intuition and creativity
Spiritual ascension allowing your body and mind to shift vibrationally into heightened and more subtle spiritual awareness and states of deep peace and healing. 


"sound is the thread between consciousness and form" 
Long before the ways of modern medicine, sound was a means of healing and connection with each other, with other communities and enhanced communion in their deepest nature, intuition, creativity and peace. 
Everything in form is vibration. All of existence consists of vibration which communicates and connects through varying degrees of subtle to gross energy fields.

Sound is the means to transform vibration and energy thus healing takes place. 

Pain, discomfort, emotions, confusion, Illness, and separation etc. are results of vibrational wave patterns and imprints that move through the entire body, DNA,
nervous system, brain, gut, and heart.

When Sound Mandala music and tone vocalizing is introduced to these patterns, subtle frequencies gently penetrate and recreate the wave patterns resulting in states of peace, connection and clarity.

When the brain waves become attuned to the soothing tones and sounds they naturally slow down, similarly to what happens during meditation.
Chemicals are released into the body engendering deep peace. 
Blood vessels and the lymphatic system start flowing openly supporting the body, mind and energy
to heal on all levels. 

Combining this knowledge with the principles of quantum theory applicable to a wave, the results are profoundly felt through the body, emotions, mind, heart and energy centers of the recipient.
You gracefully assume  your true nature of being  of calm immersed in divine connection and grounded happiness.
From this vibrational state you radiate the energy of natural positivity, peace, happiness, love and joy.


Vima Lamura's journey with sound has been an experiential healing processes ( check her blog)   and

immersive passion since childhood.

" Sound is my medicine for quelling pain, transforming stress, healing injuries, depression, exhaustion and trauma, into balanced emotions, mental equanimity,  spiritual connection, expansion and peace.

Creating compositions in voice and specific instrumentation has changed me and over the years, these works  has served audiences in a profound way as well...

It gives me great joy in expressing love through music and continue to share as I see the need for people to experience the healing effects of sound,  feel their hearts again, to connect to their divinity, to transcend into the strength of their spirit and move through pain and discomfort of any sort  into states of peace."


Vima Lamura's background in music,  composition,  spiritually uplifting experiences and practices,  combined with immersion Ancient teachings in meditation, vocal sound and nada yoga has facilitated her ability to create a platform that embraces  the Arts, Healing arts and  Spiritual expansion

through  Interactive, and Experiential integration of  Music, Sound, Spirit and Science

serving audiences internationally for over 40 years. 



Via V

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